Natalia Futekova is among the leading lecturers of the Business Excellence 2022 Economic Forum

Natalia Futekova is among the lecturers of the Business Excellence 2022 Economic Forum, which brings together world and national business leaders who will share their experience in achieving the highest economic performance of the companies they work or manage. The event will be held on March 21 in EFE Hall of Hotel Marinela in Sofia, where the official ceremony for the “Company of the Year” awards will take place.

The Business Excellence Forum is a whole-day event that aims to focus on innovative business management models and to support entrepreneurship. The focus this year will be on business excellence. It is linked to the application of exceptional practices in the organization and the achievement of high results – an integrated selection of successful practices through which we can develop the business to the best that can be. These practices have become models for how a world-class organization should function.

Dr. Natalia Futekova, managing partner of ERP.BG – one of the leading Bulgarian business software development companies, will share the experience with all present. It successfully combines entrepreneurial careers in the field of technology with academic and scientific activity, as well as with active participation in educational and other social causes. In 2015 he founded the ERP Academy – an innovative project of companies from the ERP branch in Bulgaria, which are joining efforts to make higher education closer to the real needs of the business, and future employees as fully prepared for the labor market in the sphere of business management and IT.

Because of her long experience in business and education, and a number of successes she has achieved over the years, Natalia Futekova is often a wanted lecturer for many events during which she meets young people who inspire to find their vocation and take on the right a way for yourself. Among her recent performances is the lecture she has delivered in one of the Bulgarian editions of the TEDx world format, which can be seen in the official YouTube channel of the American organization, followed by over 16 million people from different parts of the world.

The Business Excellence Economic Forum aims to help businesses identify opportunities for improvement, focus on Return on Investment (ROI) indicators and uncover the potential for future organizational development. The attendees will also be able to hear live speakers such as Tom Quigley, Plamen Petrov, Detelina Smilkova, Iliana Tarinina, Georgi Alexandrov and other leading experts who will share useful knowledge and experience with them.

More information on Business Excellence 2022 can be found at