Ladies in the Management: Interview with Natalia Futekova for Business Club magazine

In March Magazine “Business Club” has given a well-deserved place in its pages of the delicate part of the Bulgarian business. Among the successful ladies who respond to the curious questions of the edition is Assoc. Prof. Natalia Futekova – managing partner of ERP.BG and founder of ERP Academy.

It successfully combines entrepreneurial careers in the field of technology with academic and scientific activity, as well as with active participation in educational and other social causes. Her scientific interests are in the development of ERP systems and other business software solutions, business management and information systems deployment.

– When did you start running a business? Tell us about the beginning.

I have always been confident in my ability and it was my most important asset at the beginning of my career. I realized early on the potential of high technology to transform our society and dedicated myself to this dynamic area.

– Is it difficult to be a female entrepreneur in Bulgaria?

I am convinced that the environment in Bulgaria allows women to do successful business and proof is the many great examples around us.

– Tell us about your business. Describe briefly the challenges you face.

The biggest problem in the field of business software and ERP solutions remains the lack of qualified personnel, which is also the most serious brake on the growth of the sector. Another challenge is the exceptional dynamics of this sector.

– What are the advantages of being a woman-manager?

I would not say there are advantages and disadvantages. Personally, I have not encountered any difficulties and prejudices in my career because I am a woman, and my feeling is that in the technology industry this problem is less frequent. Today, the IT sector is so competitive and dynamic, and the battle for cadres is so serious that companies just can`t afford to rob similar stereotypes.

– How do you combine personal and professional engagement?

When you love your work and have enough value in your personal life, you can achieve the balance that makes you happy.

You can read more interesting articles in the new edition of Business Club magazine or the site of the publication.