Prof. Dr. Natalia Futekova is a Managing Partner of one of the leading Bulgarian Software Development Companies and a member of the Management Board of the Bulgarian Association of Information Technologies (BAIT). She successfully combines entrepreneurial careers in the field of technology with academic and scientific activities, as well as with its active participation in educational and other social causes. In October 2016, has been awarded for “Academic Achievement or Leadership” by Junior Chamber International – Bulgaria and is nominated for the international format TOYP. She is the founder of ERP Academy – an innovative project of leading companies in the ERP branch in Bulgaria, which together aim to make higher education more adequate to the real needs of the business and to help the future staff are fully prepared for the labor market in the sphere of business the software.

According to her, the high turnover of the modern world, in which luxury and profit are the main social indicator of success, young people are increasingly losing touch with themselves and real life. Leading by this example, imposed on society consciously or not, they nurture their desire to be more than others. Raising artificial beauty, popularity, and power over others in cult, we are increasingly forgetting that true happiness and satisfaction come when we are in harmony and balance with ourselves.

What will Natalia Futtekova share with TEDxVUZF audience, we will know on October 27th!